Alongside our successful senior teams, we have a thriving junior section that offers cricket coaching and competition for young people aged 5 to 18 years of age. All coaching is led by England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB) qualified coaches who are trained and have been screened for their suitability for working with young people.Our young cricketers enjoy opportunities to develop in a friendly environment, meet others who share their aspirations and compete at their own level in the Nidderdale Junior Cricket League. Many of our juniors progress to play at representative level.
The Club has been accredited with Clubmark, which the ECB awards to clubs that meet quality criteria for their cricket programme; duty of care and safeguarding children; sports equity and ethics; and club management. Clubmark is an acknowledgement that we take these issues seriously and that we strive to provide a high-quality and welcoming environment for young cricketers.
You can find copies of club policies on the safeguarding page of this website.
We welcome parents and carers to all training and competitions and value their support. Junior cricket development is a top priority for Knaresborough Cricket Club and we are keen to hear your views on how you think we are doing and receive any suggestions for improvement.
If you have any comments or queries, or would like to become involved with our junior activities,
please do not hesitate to speak to any of us.

Junior Cricket at Knaresborough Cricket Club